First lesson of the year - Online Safety Competition!

I firmly believe that the first topic that children should learn / review at the start of every year is Online Safety. Online Safety links into every other topic I teach and will be the key to protecting children from online dangers and helping them make good choices when it comes to internet etiquette outside of school. I always run an Online Safety competition for Years 2 - 6 to draw something with an online safety message. This is then displayed on the wall on our Online Safety display. Children can also take home a winning certificate! So far, from my 6 years at Elsley, I have chosen 6 different themes.... In the first year, I wanted to get to know the children as I was new to the school so the competition was to draw a selfie and tweet an online safety message. The template can be found HERE and the accompanying PowerPoint is HERE if you would like to use them. The following year, I had determination to purchase some new robots for the school as they only had a ...