
Showing posts from April, 2019

Top 5 highlights from the LGfL Conference 2019

Yesterday I attended the LGfL ‘Let’s Get Digital’ Conference. This is a great event which I have attended almost every year that I have been an ICT/Computing Leader. The conference is free for LGfL schools and consists of around 8 keynote speakers, the choice to attend three 20 minute seminars in smaller rooms, a free lunch and opportunities to visit pop up stands run by LGfL’s partners. These included Busy Things, J2E, Avantis VR and Google. The venue had changed to a much larger space in Liverpool Street meaning it was easier to network and find your way around! So here are my top 5 highlights from the conference this year… 5) Don't run any more parent online safety workshops photo: LGfL I attended a seminar run by LGfL Safeguarding Manager, Mark Bentley @LGfLDigiSafe , who said he’s been asked a million times ‘How do I get parents to attend my parent online safety workshop?’ – His answer in summary is ‘don’t do it! It’s much more effective to drip feed on

Journey to SPACE!!!

On the back of the success of the adverts for WaterAid that I had set for one of my Year 5 classes in Spring 1, I now had the opportunity to create another fantastic advert project with the other Year 5 children in Spring 2. Their Spring 1 topic of 'Water' linked really well to the WaterAid charity idea but they had finished that topic and had moved onto learning about 'Space'. I thought this would be a terrific opportunity to link 'Space' to the creation of an advert and as one of our main tools was using green screen, it was the perfect chance to film some zero gravity floating! Around the time of planning the lessons, Virgin Galactic was in the news as it had completed another test run of it's spaceship. Virgin Galactic are aiming to be the first company to take regular people into space on a commercial flight. I did some research into what inspirational videos were available and showed the story of Virgin Galactic. I had decided that this