Elsley Primary School

This blog is created in association with Elsley Primary School where I teach as the Computing Leader. Elsley Primary is a fantastic, diverse and dynamic school close to the iconic Wembley Stadium. It is currently going through an expansion from 2 form to 4 form entry and a new building is in it's final stages of construction. The new building will house new classrooms for Reception, Year 1, 2, 5 & 6 as well as a music room, a SEN therapy room, a learning resource centre, a music room and for me, most excitingly, a brand new Computing suite, complete with 30 PC's.

Since arriving at the school, I have mainly been relying on mobile technology such as laptops and only managed a couple of months in a temporary corridor ICT suite.

The children at the school are wonderful. They are really keen to learn and try out new skills. Photos of Elsley children will appear in this blog but will be nameless.

All opinions on this blog are my own from the professional position I hold as the Computing leader at Elsley Primary School.

Please visit Elsley's website and twitter feed for more information about my school.




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